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The mighty Foot of Gork is brutality made manifest a vast green foot formed of magic that squashes anything beneath it flat. The jaws of a Gork-Roara spew forth the destructive magic of the Waaagh! to be absorbed by Shamans. Morkspit Marshes are squelchy spells that transform hard earth into bogland from which emerge tendrils of glowing protoplasm that drag enemies to their doom. The Morkspit Marsh can be assembled with either Kruleboyz or Ironjawz iconography to match the rest of your army.

1x Gork-Roara
1x Morkspit Marsh
2x Foot of Gork components, one as a foot, and the other as a smouldering footprint

The kit comprises 21 plastic components and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.


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